How do we go about shooting and producing your DVD?



What do you get? (example)


Child's name



A full dvd package

1. Colour cover with pictures from the play on back

2. An inside programme detail sheet that usually has cast

and sometimes the scenes listed as well

3. Full colour disk face

4. Grade 'A' quality disk

dual-layered if a long play to keep quality

5. Amaray box

 industry standard



DVD package



Want to know more about ordering via PayPal? Unsure on the procedure?

We have help at hand. PLEASE CLICK HERE


If you want it sent to your

home address

(If no postage is added, it will be assumed that delivery is to the school)

Postage & Packing

Please select the appropriate postage and add it to your order


Postage & Packing Rates for full DVDs:

(UK Mainland)


£2.50 for 1

£3.50 for 2

£4.00 for 3



Choose which DVD you would like to back order from the drop down menu,

and click the 'Add to Cart' button.

This will take you to a PayPal cart that you can review your order.

If ordering more than one of the same production, change the quantity in your cart,

or click the same button again!

To order a different DVD, select from the drop down menu, and click again.

All selections will be added to your cart, until you want to finalise your order.


You can use any bank or credit card without having to sign up for PayPal

by using the ordering system below.

PayPal is highly trusted for online transactions. If you become a member,

(all you need is an email address), you are protected by them for upto £500 transactions.